粉画艺术联盟(中国),英文名称为China Pastel Network,英文缩写为CPN。本联盟由从事粉画创作研究、教育传播、展览展示、材料研发、营销服务等企事业单位、社会团体和个人按自愿、平等、合作原则组成。联盟宗旨是加强联盟成员之间的交流协作,全面整合产业资源,努力建设一个创新、高效、开放的平台,提高社会各界对粉画艺术的认知度,提升粉画艺术创作的整体水平,推动中国粉画事业有序健康发展。
Pastel in Suzhou/粉画与苏州苏州作为中国粉画的发祥地之一,现已逐渐成为中国当代粉画艺术的传播中心。二十世纪二十年代,中国现代美术奠基人之一、苏州美专创始人颜文樑先生就积极倡导粉画艺术,他的粉画代表作《厨房》荣获了1929年法国春季沙龙奖,为中国的粉画艺术在美术史上谱写了精彩的篇章。1984年杭鸣时粉画作品《人物》入选第六届全国美展,被评为优秀作品,此画开创了粉画这一画种入选全国综合性画展之先河。进入二十一世纪以来,在苏州市政府的正确领导下,在社会各界的广泛支持下,苏州粉画取得了一系列丰硕的成果。2003年首届和2011年第二届中国粉画作品展的成功举办,进一步扩大了苏州在全国粉画领域的影响,粉画艺术逐渐成为现代苏州一张靓丽的文化名片。
As one of the birthplaces of pastel art in China, Suzhou has gradually become the center of Chinese contemporary pastel art. In the 1920s, Mr. Yan Wenliang, one of the fathers of Chinese modern art and the founder of Suzhou Art Academy, actively advocated the art of pastel painting. His representative pastel painting “Kitchen”(1920) won an award at the French National Salon Show in 1929, which has written a wonderful chapter for China in the world history of art. In 1984, Hang Mingshi's pastel painting "People" was selected into the 6th China National Exhibition of Fine Arts and won the work of excellence. It was the first time that pastel engaged in a national exhibition among a variety of art genres. Since the beginning of the 21st century, Suzhou Municipal Government and the society has supported the development of pastel art in Suzhou. A series of fruitful results has been achieved. The success of the first China Pastel Exhibition in 2003 and the second China Pastel Exhibition in 2011 further expanded the influence of Suzhou city in the pastel art world of the country. Pastel art is gradually becoming part of the beautiful cultural “name card” of modern Suzhou.
History/联盟发展历程2012年在杭鸣时、李晓林、庞茂琨、陆庆龙等艺术家的关心支持下,苏州开始组建中国粉画工作团队。2013年粉画艺术联盟(中国)成立,该联盟由从事粉画创作研究、教育传播、展览展示、材料研发等社会团体和个人组成。联盟以加强成员之间的交流协作,努力建设一个创新、高效、开放的平台,提升粉画艺术创作的整体水平,推动中国粉画事业有序健康发展为宗旨。联盟英文名称为:China Pastel Network,英文缩写CPN。同年中国粉画艺术门户网站“粉画艺术网”(www.chinapastel.com)上线运行。2014年联盟加入国际粉画协会(IAPS)。在中国美术家协会、苏州市政府及相关机构的推动支持下,联盟通过团队全体成员的不懈努力,中国粉画在宣传普及、展览展示、学术交流、教育培训、画材研发等方面取得了令人瞩目的成绩,并形成每年一届“中国大学生粉画作品展”、“粉画艺术‘网上画廊’年度实体展”,每两年一届“中国(苏州)国际粉画双年展”,每四年一届“中国(苏州)粉画艺术节”的品牌展览体系。
In 2012, with the support of the artists including Hang Mingshi, Li Xiaolin, Pang Maokun, Lu Qinglong and so on, a team working towards the goal of promoting pastel art started to form in Suzhou. In 2013, China Pastel Network (CPN) was established. The organization consists of social groups and individuals engaged in the research of pastel art technique, art education, exhibition and art materials. The mission of the organization is to strengthen the artistic exchanges and cooperation among members, to build an innovative, efficient and open platform, to improve the overall quality of Chinese pastel artistic creation, and to promote the orderly development of pastel art in China. In the same year, the online portal of Chinese pastel art, “Pastel Art Network” (www.chinapastel.com), was put into operation. In 2014, China Pastel Network became a member of the International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS). Under the support of Chinese Artists Association, Suzhou municipal government and related organizations, and through the unremitting efforts of China Pastel Network, spectacular results have been achieved in the field of pastel promotion, exhibitions, academic exchanges, education and training and art material research. A series of exhibitions and events organized by China Pastel Network were launched, including the annual "Chinese College Students Pastel Exhibition", "Pastel Art 'Online Gallery' Annual Exhibition", "China (Suzhou) International Pastel Biennial Exhibition", and every four years the "China (Suzhou) Pastel Art Festival".